Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Loving Kindness Is Twice Blessed

--by Letmebealittlekind, posted Apr 29, 2009

I felt gloomy the other day. The weather had been dark and rainy, and I just didn’t feel so positive. It happens to us all, I guess.

As I was sitting at my desk, I remembered it was the birthday of a dear long-time friend—a single, middle-aged woman who has dedicated the past 30 years to nursing and loves her work.

Knowing that she doesn’t have family in town, I decided to give her a call. Sure enough, she was scheduled to work late into the evening, and wouldn’t have much of a birthday this year. As always, though, she sounded cheerful
and was happy I called.

After I hung up, I couldn’t shake the feeling that she would really appreciate a little attention on her special day. Still feeling a little gloomy myself, I tried to put it out of my mind, but as the day passed I couldn’t shake the thought. I finally gave in, and that evening set off to the hospital with a card, a slice of cheese cake, and a “flower” sculpted from balloons.

My friend’s grateful smile and joyful exclamations assured me I’d done the right thing and were a generous reward for the little effort it had taken.

When I got home, I realized that not only had I cheered up a lonely friend on her birthday, but my own gloomy feelings had also disappeared. Making her day had made my own!

Isn’t that the way it is when we take the time and make the effort to do something for someone else? It’s like the little saying: “Loving kindness is twice blessed; it blesses him who gives, and him who receives.”

Cheering up people on their birthdays isn’t the only thing we can do to make their day. Life constantly presents us with opportunities to take an extra step or do a kind deed that will make a difference to someone. And the wonderful thing is that as we do, it changes things for the better for us too. Like a boomerang, the blessing comes back to us.

Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Inspiring and wonderful. Loved it. -Author Diana Neiderhiser.
unknown wrote: Inspiring and wonderful. Loved it. -Author Diana Neiderhiser.
Gibson Bula Kelle wrote: This is what the scripture is all about, ie caring for one another at all times. More grease to your elbows.
sherryberry wrote: Loved it!
antdiamiller wrote: As they say, a smile is contagious. We do not know what a person is going thru unless we know them, and then sometimes we still dont know. Just because someone doesnt smile when you catch their eye doesnt mean they wont smile if you smile first. Great story!
Babylyn wrote: Thanks for inspiring us! I really love your story! What a great friend having like you, in her life.
tressyanne wrote: you have so much truth in what you just wrote. i am always amazed at all the incredibly wonderful and generous human beings that i am honored to call my "helping others" friends.
you did a most wonderful thing! sending you a great big smile!
cabbage wrote: Absolutely true! Whenever you're feeling down, do something for someone else and it's amazing how quickly you feel better.
Thanks for reminding us! And great that your friend has you to make her birthday special. :-) Hugs to you.
JuneBug wrote: Oh yes! This is sooo true!!! You are wonderful for not only calling your friend on her special day,but acted upon it!!! That's great! :)
AURELIA wrote: Twice Blessed Indeed. Little things mean a lot!!! Good for you for making you both happy. ~Aurelia

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