Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Gift Of Warmth On A Wet, Rainy Night

--by greenurlifenow, posted Dec 4, 2016
Last night was a rainy, cold night. I was going to the ATM machine to take out some cash when I saw a man curled up on a nearby bench, trying to stay warm. I had a new scarf and knit cap with me, so I gave them to him. 

I was then going to head home right after this happened, but I decided to go get him a warm sandwich and warm drink. It wasn't planned, but I was so glad I could and did help this person in some small way. We may not be able to help every person in need, but we can usually help one person who needs help.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Thank you for caring & taking action. Bless.
mindyjourney wrote: So true, my freind...we make a difference, one kind act at a time <3. Thank you for being that man's angel <3.
RoseMarie wrote: Bless you x 💓
splain wrote: I so get you doing this . Thank you from my heart.
lt33 wrote: Your kindness made a huge impact on him 😉
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you so much for helping him. I know how hard it is to help everyone, but we do what we can.
patjos wrote: Thank you.
greenurlifenow wrote: Thank you for your kind words! I am trying to spread kindness by doing good deeds.
Anonymous wrote: I have always been taught that in doing acts of kindness, it is important to not tell about them, as in telling what you have done, you negate the mitzvah by heaping praise upon yourself! Do charity in silence!
cabbage wrote: Thank you for being his kindness angel! One act at a time :-)

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