Stories of Kindness from Around the World

She Got 'Heart Bombed" By Her Colleagues

--by lbilsey, posted Jan 5, 2017
Here's a great opportunity to let a friend, co-worker or family member know you care... Do a "Heart Bomb" when they least expect it. A colleague did it to me a year ago and I still have the little colorful hearts they papered my desk with all around my cubicle. They give me a warm heart and make me smile each time i look at them. Highly Recommend sharing a "Heart Bomb" with someone this week.

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Readers Comments

Nancy wrote: Please tell us exactly how the "heart bomb" was done. Can think of several instances i could use this.
Virginia wrote: Isn't it wonderful how such a simple, no-cost act of kindness can make such a difference!
I like to send cards to people, via regular mail or via e-greetings. They are most welcome.
tsantospaula wrote: Nice and fun!
RoseMarie wrote: Love that card with the rainbow on your chair. X 💓
mindyjourney wrote: What a great idea! Let us know how you execute the "heart" bomb <3 and the smile results!
leoladyc728 wrote: little hearts fell out of a card a KS member had sent me.
splain wrote: Hearts on a card or "in" one just make it so lovely
melnotes wrote: Thank you for this great idea!
Marleen wrote: Lovely!!
Mish wrote: Made me smile 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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