Readers Comments
bluesky wrote: Wayne, thanks for this wonderful story. I read it this morning and it reminded me to be more mindful and live each moment with gentle kindness.
Don wrote: Yes. To love thy neighbor; be kind and you release the beauty within
Connnie wrote: This story was touching and inspiring and makes one want to live your life just like paul wanted to.
birene wrote: God bless you! You listened to paul as he needed to talk! There are people passing without someone to just be there. You understood the gift of a single cookie,more then a small act of sharing!
Shanky wrote: Hats off paul! This is the way i always wanted to live life. Kindness and care are the two essential tings which soothes one. Paul,at his deathbed has really touched hearts throwing light on kindness. I wish everyone to be like him.
bindi wrote: Such a simple act. But too great :)
Joshua Otene wrote: The quality of life lies on its donation and duration, therefor we have to give all we have to people and make sure we lose nothing.
Donna wrote: Does this mean he hadn't been kind previously? - especially when he mentioned 'i would be kind to children. '
It's our duty as adults to guide & nurture children - they naturally look up to us for that.
It's our duty as adults to guide & nurture children - they naturally look up to us for that.
Nisha wrote: Thanks for publishing articles like this bcos it reminds people of how good and important it is to be kind.
Gibson Bula Kelle wrote: As a believer you are expected to live your life as if you are going to die the next minute and that will make you live a decent live not when you are confronted by an ailment.