Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Something Stronger Than Fear Inside

--by Bluebell, posted May 11, 2009

I used to live in residential area that was quite far way from everything. It was a very hot midsummer day with temperatures over 35 ºC and it was also around that time of the day that the sun is stronger.  

I was driving home when I saw these two men walking along the road under that burning sun.  They looked exhausted. I drove past them in the opposite direction and I had this urge of doing a u-turn and giving them a lift.  All kinds of thoughts came into my mind, including what if they harm me?

But, there was something stronger than fear inside of me.  So, I did a u-turn and stopped the car next to them, opened the door of my old fiesta and invited them in.  I noticed the puzzled looks on their faces and I could even feel that they were embarrassed.  They were immigrants and didn’t speak my language, but through gestures and smiles I took them to the closest place to their home. They were too embarrassed to let me see where they lived, so I couldn't take them all the way.

I have a lot of respect for people who have to leave their countries and their families behind to look for a better future for themselves.

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Readers Comments

lilliyan wrote: Nice
sherryberry wrote: Way to go bluebell
britz wrote: That was a gud story. So selfless n caring
AURELIA wrote: God Bless you and your kind heart. Someday you might be a stranger in need, stuck on a highway or dirt road...and I am sure your angel will send someone to help you out just like you helped them ! Thank you for being so trusting this time. :0) ~Aurelia
sethi wrote: It is great what you did. You overcame your fears and tat 's what really matters. Thank you for sharing.
makesomeonesmile wrote: That was very kind of you to think of them, even when you weren't sure about your own safety. Thanks for caring and doing something!
JuneBug wrote: I am sure your gesture was well appreciated!!! :)
FairyBubbles wrote: All I can say is 'beautiful'. I'm so glad you shared this story.
Modestobob wrote: Bluebell it was nice gesture. I don't know where you live, but in California these days, it's not like it was 20 or 30 years ago. Not only do people rarely pick up others, let alone a female driver and two men. You had courage too! safe when you do this in the future. (I sound like your older brother now don't I? :-) You're sweet Bluebell! ~ModestoBob~

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