Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Gift of a Special Dinner Together

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted May 18, 2009

My wife and I went out to dinner this weekend since we have had crazy schedules and have not had much time to just sit and relax. We went to a nice restaurant and were having a good time. We saw a very young high school age couple who looked like they were on one of their first dates. We smiled and talked about how scary that is when you are young.

My wife noticed that the couple only ordered a chicken breast and water, which was a little unusual for this steakhouse. We guessed the young man wanted to take his date to a nice place but might have had some sticker shock once he saw the menu so they ordered what they could and skipped the side dishes.

We had a gift card we were going to use for our dinner, but decided they could use it more. When our waiter delivered our check, we paid our bill and asked him to anonymously give them the gift card and tell them someone wanted them to have a special dinner together tonight. If only I had a smile card on me, it would have been even better. I’ll always keep a few in my wallet from now on!
We weren’t there when they got it but I don’t doubt that gift card mattered far more to them then it would have to us. But for two young people, we reminded them that kindness is still alive in the world and made our dinner even that much more special…
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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Awwwwwwwww. That was so sweet of you!

I'm sure you made their evening even more special :-)
You rock!
maer wrote: What a beautiful gesture!
bhappy wrote: MSS, You and your honey are a perfect match! Those young people will remember that kind act for a very long time...Awesome..I'm sending you a Big Panda Bear Hug! Becki
dancingDog wrote: What a special dinner - for everyone! Don't you love it when an opportunity just presents itself? Thanks for spreading the kindness & as you always do, making me smile! :=D
PayingForward wrote: You and your wife are such perpetrators of kindness! That was a wonderful thing you did ... and an act of kindness that couple will probably never forget. :) God bless you both. :)
JuneBug wrote: That was sooo sweet!! You two are great examples to your children...God bless you both! :) Here's a Gorillia Hug!!! Oops! What was that cracking noise????
lovebug wrote: That is what you were called to do, show the world kindness does exist. I do thank God you are not silent and keep this secret to yourself.
StarBrite wrote: So nice! Remembering those special first dates. They will always remember their evening with a smile to the strangers who were so understanding and generous. ~StarBrite
Nandi wrote: Dear MSS,

Love u both! L U B! L U B!

That was incredibly generous, kind and sweet of u both!! I'm sure, more than those kids, for u and ur wife, this must have been one of the best dinner dates, am I right?
You guys taught those kids one of the most valuable lessons of life although anonymously, and that is what makes the lesson even more priceless and makes u guys great!
People like u give the hope to the world that there is still kindness, goodness and generosity coexisting along with all the cruelty, violence, selfishness, meanness, hatred, so on and so forth!!!

Love & a BIG HUMAN Hug to u and ur wife!
Modestobob wrote: MSS you and your wife paid it forward and will likely have a ripple effect on them in the future. Didn't your meal taste just a little better too? Great job MSS! Your buddy. ModestoBob~

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