Stories of Kindness from Around the World

One stolen light projector and three friendly neighbors helped restore faith

--by cyctw, posted Dec 25, 2016
I was just blown away with an act of kindness by three strangers, who are now friends. A few nights ago we had a light projector taken from our yard; it was my feeble attempt at decorating for Christmas. I made a posting on 'Nextdoor,' a neighborhood website. It wasn't a mean spirited post at all. I tried to muster all the love and compassion I could for whoever took it. In fact, many neighbors commented on how much they loved my approach.

Then, out of the blue, I get a message of someone wanting to come over and introduce themselves to me. I drove up just in time and was approached by Cynthia and Ken, along with their son Nikhil. Cynthia had read my post and didn't want me to lose faith in humanity, so to show me that there are good people in our neighborhood they went out and purchased us a new projector and gave it to us - a Christmas gift, all wrapped up beautifully.

To say that I was moved to tears just doesn't do this act service. There is so much beauty in the world; so many wonderful human beings. Often times they are right close we may not even notice them. My heart is bursting with love for all beings right at this moment. It's a feeling I don't want to ever lose. And I owe it all to the person who took our light projector a few days ago.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: And that, my friend, is realizing the blessing in a challenge :)). Glad it had such a lovely resolution and restoration of faith <3. Truly the season of miracles :))
leoladyc728 wrote: so very kind of Cynthia and Ken
healingtree wrote: What a lovely action in such good spirit!
Mish wrote: All too often we don't hear about all the good people doing good things because of the media's focus on the negatives in our world to the exclusion of all the positives. Your words held kindness and attracted kindness back to you. How beautifully moving, cyctw.❤
kjoyw wrote: Such a great story! Proof that sharing about your challenges can bring great blessings!
Eckyssister wrote: Love this. Thank you for sharing.
Julie wrote: I did send a much longer comment earlier. I don't know if you received it or not. I am to mentally damaged right now to express everything that i want to say. All i can say now is get a lawyer. I'm pressing charges. Numerous charges.
Julie wrote: I know everything. It"s over.
newdayvow wrote: Wonderful! How kind of them.

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