Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Bully and The Girl With The Book

--by jessicbecke, posted Dec 21, 2016
Today I made a new friend, and maybe even made her day. I was walking and reading in P.E. during my second-to-last period of the school day, right when I saw a girl walking alone with her head in a book, as well. I decided to strike up conversation, and asked what book she was reading. I have forgotten the name of it already, but I remember her asking me if I’d talked to her after I heard another girl shouting profanities at her.

I had not, but we made fast friends and talked about all sorts of things - from sorting shelves at supermarkets to TV shows. When we were called in, a girl - who I presumed was the one shouting profanities at her earlier - bumped into her and cursed under her breath.

I am extremely glad that my new friend wasn’t as hot-headed as I am, because I was about to pounce. We soon moved along, without any altercations, and sat down together to talk. The bell rang soon enough and we parted ways after we walked across campus. I wished her well and secretly sent safety and light her way, straight from my heart.
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Readers Comments

sandyremillar wrote: So nice you made a new friend and peace prevailed.
sandy wrote: So glad you made a friend and peace prevailed.

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