Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Random Act Of Kindness That Goes A Little Unexpectedly

--by KiwiCat, posted Jan 19, 2017
We were waiting to go into our movie and were walking through the games arcade. My husband suggested a RAOK and we left a card with $2 taped to it on to the air hockey game. A group of kids came along and found the card and started to play the game. We were watching from a distance.

One of the boys mothers asked where he had got the money from and he said "I found it on the floor" which was not strictly true. We were a bit upset that the spirit of kindness wasn't just about 'scoring' money, it was about passing the kindness on! Anyway, the scenario took a different turn when the boy called out to his friends to come and have a turn, and all the boys took turns at playing. That in itself is an act of kindness.

The kindness WAS passed on, just not the in the way I envisaged.

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Readers Comments

aavila94 wrote: You can't control other people. That was a very nice gesture on your part. If the receiver doesn't reciprocate or pass on the kindness it's out of your hands, at least you did something nice for others. :)
splain wrote: That boy did pass on the kindness. Typical boy way
Mish wrote: Score for kindness 👍
Mish wrote: And do agree with first comment above
RoseMarie wrote: They are only children, too young to fully understood x
mindyjourney wrote: Once we give, it's not ours to control :)). Nice idea by husband :))
leoladyc728 wrote: So sweet of you to do this. The boy actually was kind to his friends. Things happen the way they are supposed to.
kjoyw wrote: Great story!

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