Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Witnessing Kindness during the Holidays

--by AnnC, posted Dec 24, 2016
"Where do you see kindness? No matter who we are or where we come from, when we take a moment to look around, we can see kindness everywhere" -Shelley Frost

Yesterday morning I was feeling stressed because I needed to go shopping for some of the organizations I volunteer with. I really don't like big crowds and tend to stay away from large department stores and shopping malls at Christmas time. However, I was determined to make the best of it and have a good day. So I decided to play a game with myself.

I would actively look for and count the number of times and ways I saw people being kind. With this mindset, I witnessed so many, many acts of kindness: Drivers letting other cars into traffic; people taking shopping carts back inside; customers waiting patiently in a long line at the cash register; kind words spoken to cashier who was doing her best help people and greet everyone with a big smile; kind words spoken to children, and their parents; donations being made to the Salvation Army bell ringers; gifts being bought for the giving tree, etc, etc.

There truly is kindness everywhere, if we just open our eyes and our hearts to it!

Thank you everyone for all your kindness.
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Readers Comments

healingtree wrote: A perfectly delightful illustration--will look up the book. This would make a nice wall poster. Also, the game you played with yourself is well worth remembering---I will try my best to remember it and use it when I am out and feeling overwhelmed by the crowds sometime. Or just as an exercise to use through the day. Maybe today would be a start! Thank you so much for the inspiration!!!!
splain wrote: I must admit that I now see a lot more kindness in the world. i think it is because I am more aware of how people behave. A very pleasant surprise
melnotes wrote: Great share and I will make more of an effort to see kindness everywhere!
Mish wrote: You chose your focus & created your experience. Spot on, Ann!
mindyjourney wrote: Is amazing, the kindness everywhere :)))). Do more and it will become natural as breathing to view the world like that! :))
kjoyw wrote: If focus is on finding it, you will see kindness everywhere!
Rajni wrote: It is very nice of you to see kindness everywhere. May others get inspired to see kindness everywhere. Positive thinking plays it's part. What we think we get.
Carol wrote: It would be a great game to play with your kids or grandkids when you have to bring them shopping; the "winner" gets to donate some money to one of those at-counter charities or something like that.
Missy McCullough wrote: Loved this and i especially love the drawing/ painting with it.
Is there a way to get a copy of that? It would make a super tshirt for
Kids and adults!
Linda Cohen wrote: Love your idea to play this as a kindness game. I did the same thing recently during a snow storm. Asked my friends what kindnesses they were witnessing rather than all the complaining i was seeing on fb. Anytime we look for the kindness and make it fun can make it fun for even the most curmudgeon"y" person in your life.

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