Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A run of errands led her to meet a young man in need of kindness

--by healingtree, posted Jan 6, 2017
It has been a very, very blessed week of giving simple, sometimes handmade sweets,  beautifully wrapped gifts, and handmade cards to various helpers in the community. I want to thank them for how they go beyond the call of duty with their homespun friendliness. I have walked all over the place - can't drive due to medicine I have to take. It's been wonderful and I have stopped to have warm chats too.

I really wasn't trying to meet my KindSpring Day 18 challenge to make time to listen to someone, but it happened anyway!  In going hither and tither I came across a young man sleeping rough. I admit I was so busy I was going to go past his sign requesting help with just a smile, but as I walked on, I suddenly turned around with a little donation and a Smile Card as well as one of the You Matter cards.

The plan was to give and go but I ended up talking for about an hour. He was very eager to talk to someone about his crisis. He was new to me and turns out he just arrived here under dire circumstances. He brought out his long troubled story of a life in care from infancy, jail time, and undiagnosed mental illness. He believes it could be at the root of his unstable life, though he never stays anywhere long enough to get proper treatment.

This weathered man in his prime brought up his former drug use and how he is trying to stop drinking so much. He was clear that he wants help and wants to improve himself and his life. I asked him if he was interested in what I knew about local services that could probably aid him. He replied a definite yes.

It genuinely was a great pleasure to be able to tell him about the process in our town for this situation, as it used to be my work dealing with just such conditions as he was describing. I told him what to expect from the doctors, social workers, and others in the system. It's not that easy getting on the path to assessment for mental illness ---though it should be better.

Also was able to share what I know about local AA , which might help him and at least was worth a try, and 2 other alcohol and drug centers. And the churches that aid people in trouble or in need of a chat, a meal or coffee. Also some charities that give support in various ways to the mentally distressed or lonely folks in a hard time. 

I wrote this down, gave him directions and all that---as I said, I used to work with or refer people to all these groups. It was great to be able to use this stored up info---I felt it might be useful to him and that gave me a sense of joy to possibly be able to  help.

We shook hands, exchanged names and chitchat too about the season, the cold and his love of the starry sky outside of big cities---the plus he said of sleeping rough and being given cold. I was so so glad I got over my frantic rush and gave him my time.

Now I am wrapping presents of shoes for a needy family's children, and will take a bag of stuff I put together  in a day or so to a charity shop.

It really is better to give then to receive. Giving offers so much inner delight while to receive is a trickier position. We must only ever give what we can, according to our time energy and budget, I believe it's vital to reach out and give to others.

May everyone enjoy a safe and serene holiday. 

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Readers Comments

1sher wrote: How fantastic for him that you ran into him and could share all of your stored knowledge~kudos
marie2000 wrote: What a very generous thing to do, just that little bit of hope in the human race. People do care! Thank you for taking the time.
patjos wrote: Thank you so much for stopping with him.
Mish wrote: You gave him the best gift, healingtree...your time. Thank you for listening to him & offering helpful info. Lots of kind acts shared by you. Bless ❤
splain wrote: I agree about you taking the time to chat and connect. Made him feel noticed and listened to. Good post. Thanks for just doing what you do. So giving
RoseMarie wrote: Time well spent thank you x 💓
Melnotes wrote: Kindness ripples are wonderful :)
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for taking the time out of your day to help and advise this young man. Giving can be so much more than receiving.
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your listening ear and guidance <3.

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