Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Child Forgoes Firecrackers to Help Other Children

--by malli, posted May 19, 2009

     Hi friends. I would like to share an incident with you.

    Just as Christmas is celebrated by Christians, "Diwali" is celebrated by Hindus. On that day people wear new dresses, eat sweets, and set off firecrackers. 

    A little girl of 10 in my neighborhood is a good friend. Every year she  celebrates Diwali in a grand manner,  buying at least two boxes of firecrackers and two new dresses in order to have a grand feast on that day.

    But last year I was amazed to see her. She was in a simple dress playing with her younger brother without setting off any firecrackers. I asked her the reason. She said she had seen a documentary film on the making of crackers in her school which explained the process of making them, the child labor involved in the industry, their sufferings, their lack of education, and the pollution created by firecrackers. After seeing that film, she made up her mind not to buy firecrackers any more.

    She felt sad for those working children.  She said that she too has the responsibility of caring for the environment and she decided to stop using firecrackers and instead of that she would donate the money to the needy. And she did so. And the most impressive thing is she convinced her parents to donate the money.

Yeah! Now I believe in the existence of angels! 

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Readers Comments

sethi wrote: A wise head on young shoulders . Thank you for sharing .
unknown wrote: She is such a value to the society ! Already thinking she adds beauty being herself ... May God continue to stay in her ... God bless her soul ... lovingly, deepula.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! I agree with June, children often have it figured out before we do!
phuongg wrote: Awwww, how nice of her.

That's wonderful (:
AURELIA wrote: How nice of her to do something wise with her money. :0) ~Aurelia
cabbage wrote: How beautiful that this little girl was so moved to ACT on her knowledge---
how many of us grownups do this?
Thank you for sharing the story of your neighborhood angel.
FairyBubbles wrote: The more stories that I hear about children's kind impulses the more I love them. thank you for sharing.
JuneBug wrote: Sometimes I believe children are smarter than us adults....:)

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