Readers Comments
vsoul wrote: Wow..what a powerful message. Love you for sharing this Ashly.
helpinghand wrote: Beautiful Advice.Thanks for sharing Ashly.
Keep Smiling.
Keep Smiling.
guddee wrote: Last week my friend taught me something similar. If we can't control something, getting angry or frustrated is not going to solve the situation - rather, try to take best out of the situation. :)
JuneBug wrote: Yep, we must learn to conquer our trials with expectations !! :)
Aurelia wrote: Thanks for passing on such a good way to look at life's little bumps in the road. ~Aurelia
unknown wrote: Beautiful baby !
sethi wrote: Great Post. The Intellect overpowers the mind . Thank you .
marvsmile wrote: thanx 4 the story
OperationSmileyF wrote: I love this story so much, as this is something that I am costantly working on. I will remember that little girl the next time something unexpected catches me by suprised. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. :)
mommakat wrote: Thanks so much ashly for showing me a way to look at life's little "uh oh's". I would have reacted negatively instead of with a 'wow'. I guess we could turn all of life's little "uh oh's" into a 'wow' if we learned to keep a positive outlook on life. It usually takes a child to point out to an adult how they should behave. We have so much to learn from children. And we should always be aware of what is going on around us or we miss out on life's simple pleasures.