Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Promise Proclamation

--by sethi, posted May 25, 2009

While we often tell others we love, such as our family, friends, and relatives, those comforting thoughts to warm up their hearts inside, we forget that this gift of friendship and affection we give to others is something we can give ourselves too. Remind yourself that as you help others, you are also allowed to help yourself along the way. Here's a gift to give yourself as you get started. Make the following promise proclamations to yourself today:

1. I will become friends with myself and realize that it is a  worthwile friendship just as are the friendsips I have with others.  

2. I will look for sunshine in everything, so optimism becomes my reality not an elusive dream.

3.I will create thoughts of the best in mind, give my best to meet my goals, and expect only the best results, so that the best is manifested in my life.

 4. I will understand that while it is great to be enthusiastic about the success  of others, it also important to be enthusiastic about my own.

 5. I will forgive myself for the mistakes of my past and realize that instead of beating myself up, I can accept that it is okay to be human.

 6. I will learn that happiness can be just sending a smile to another living creature that I encounter in my life be it a human being or an ant.

7.  I will learn to recognize that continuous self-improvement leaves less time for constant self-criticism.

8.  I will carry a bright spirit that is too large to nurture worry, too noble  to indulge in anger, too courageous to succumb to fear, and too happy to let sadness creep in.

9. I will honor myself by sharing myself with the world,  not by using loud words, but in doing small deeds.

10. I will live with the faith that the whole world is on my side, so long as I believe there is only one to stand on.





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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: These are good promises to ourselves...Thank you for sgaring them!!!
cricket405 wrote: I live by these promises daily and love them! Thank you for the reminder as I intend to keep them as well!

Brightest Blessings!
MyHeart2Yours wrote: These promises are a tall order...imagine the difference in the "universe" if mankind would commit!
Something to strive for...I have a long way to go...thank you for sharing!
wayfarer wrote: Sethi, I just called my daughter over and read your message to her. One to take to heart.
AURELIA wrote: Wonderful promises to live by! Definitely a list to print and keep where I can be reminded. :0) ~Aurelia
molly273 wrote: I love this post! Thank you for the great, positive inspiration! I promise to try to remember them!
merv wrote: I did just one of these this morning at a restaurant. I'd stopped for Sunday breakfast, sat at the counter, and just wore a happy expression

"8. To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature I meet."

It was funny, the waitresses and waiters went from grump to glow in about three seconds. I love life!
merv wrote: Oh Thanks for posting this too :-)

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