Readers Comments
pat wrote: A marvellous story. Thanks for sharing!
Passion wrote: That was very sweet of you to help out that way. Thanks for sharing that wonderful story!
Shay wrote: Just as you washed this mans feet so it reminds me jesus taught us to wash one anothers feet. We should be ready,willing servants of each other.
In doing to the least of these so are you doing unto me.
I've been blessed and inspired.
In doing to the least of these so are you doing unto me.
I've been blessed and inspired.
kjppjkkjp wrote: What a fabulous story! Very touching!
Sanjay wrote: It was nice that the airlines were touched enough to acknowledge your act atleast later on that the pilot himself paid attention, then they must've discussed about it. This story serves an important reminder to me to overcome hesitation in reaching out to strangers.
mynona wrote: You wonderful compassionate soul, we all need each other and should treat strangers in need like family.
Helen wrote: This is a wonderful and touching story!
ssthakur wrote: Probably ons agony is nothing. Some body else with more agony is inspiration to face the chalenge ahead. Yet it is life which teaches oneself how to take it ad it comes.