Readers Comments
wayfarer wrote: Kindness, even to a tiny creature who wont understand what you have done still enriches this world of ours. Well done!
JuneBug wrote: I can't stand to see ANYTHING suffer! I once almost got into an arguement with a friend of mine because a cricket got in the apartment of his and kept him awake the night before. He found it and was just about ready to stomp on it when I yelled ''NOOOOOO!'' I covinced him to take it outside,even though he tried to convince me it would just come back into the place. He obliged my request, hopefully he didn't stomp on it outside!!!! ECK! For the most part, I believe in live and let live unless it is a plague or something...I'm just a BUG myself....:)
lovebug wrote: Your story reminded me about something that happened many years ago, thank you for reminding me, it did set me firmly on my path of non-violence and not killing.
bhappy wrote: Wow, I don't think I could be so brave as to try to get the mouse in the bag. I too don't like to see critters suffer. Have A Sunshine Day..Becki
MyHeart2Yours wrote: I am sooo glad that there are people like you....I'm horrible...I probably would have left the mouse....He got it...he can get out.
Modestobob wrote: Gianjot you have a kind heart too! Thank you! :)Mega hugs & smiles! ~ModestoBob~
cabbage wrote: Wow....that is so cool. You are kind beyond words! :-)
TheakstonCat wrote: Reminds me of when my naughty cat brought in a tiny live mouse. It ran around the house upstairs and disappeared into my sons room. We searched high and low so we could take it back outside, but could not find it. My son went on a day trip with some friends to the countryside and when he opened his rucksak at lunch there sat the little mouse! He let it free in the field and said it scampered off. (Don't think it ate his sandwiches! LOL) :o)