Readers Comments
Modestobob wrote: Becki that is really good! I'll never forget Sheriff Positive ever now! :) You're so sweet Becki! Hugs & Smiles! ~ModestoBob~
JuneBug wrote: Sounds like there's a new sheriff in town!!!! Thems negatives better be gone by sundown!!!! ...Thanks,Becki....Too cute!!!!
cjohnson2136 wrote: Becki I have been having a bad today but reading that just lifted my spirits and is letting me finish my day happy instead of gloomy
Nandi wrote: Dear Becki,
Thanks for the inspiration, what I like about this is that wisdom is given in a lighter way and without unnecessary & serious sermons! Love the Sheriff!:) I'll borrow his gun everytime there's a gloomy cloud! :)
Thanks for the inspiration, what I like about this is that wisdom is given in a lighter way and without unnecessary & serious sermons! Love the Sheriff!:) I'll borrow his gun everytime there's a gloomy cloud! :)
lmil1954 wrote: Oh Miss Becki!!!! I love this...sorry it toook me so long to find it!!!!
Positively love you:)
Positively love you:)
trueblue wrote: very nice... I love those positive endorphins...even the most cloudy days..can be better when positive words are written for us to draw from...thanks bec