Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Learning To Say 'Yes" To This Act Kindness

--by pyronik, posted Feb 13, 2017
I'm always pleasantly surprised by how willing people are to help when you ask. I've been stubborn enough to refuse help, & regretted it soon after. I've discovered at work that the sooner I ask for help, the easier a situation gets rectified.

These days I graciously accept help, sometimes it's not even for my benefit but for the other persons. The lad next door loves helping me do the weeding, accepting his help is really an act of kindness I perform.

My act of kindness today is to encourage you all to accept help, & to ask for it when you need it. How many times does something happen & everyone around says, "if only I'd / we'd known?" How many times have you said that yourself afterward when you could easily have helped someone?  Allow people to perform the kindness of helping you, perform the kindness of letting them.
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Readers Comments

RoseMarie wrote: Nice reminder Pryonik, thanks x 💓
mindyjourney wrote: Is a good thing to ask and accept help :)). Not easy, but well worth it <3.
splain wrote: Isn't it strange how we find it hard to ask for help. Some might say no but most will help. I have to keep this at the front of my mind.
Rajni wrote: Asking for help and expecting is giving the other person to be kind. Thanks for reminding.
alisamom wrote: I have been too hardheaded to accept help even when it's offered. It is something I continue to work on.
leoladyc728 wrote: I do ask for help when truly needed.
Mnc_91 wrote: Thank you for this reminder. This is difficult for a person like me whose default is on the giving end :-)
Chris Ameen wrote: Thank you for such a wise, and timely, reminder!
Shannon wrote: Accepting help has always been difficult for me. I have tried in recent years to accept help in the spirit it is given. Your post reminded me how important that is.
Virginia wrote: Well stated. Kindness works both ways. My neighbor's 6 year old likes to do little things so i encourage that outlook and behavior. Makes me smile.

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