Readers Comments
RoseMarie wrote: Nice reminder Pryonik, thanks x 💓
mindyjourney wrote: Is a good thing to ask and accept help :)). Not easy, but well worth it <3.
splain wrote: Isn't it strange how we find it hard to ask for help. Some might say no but most will help. I have to keep this at the front of my mind.
Rajni wrote: Asking for help and expecting is giving the other person to be kind. Thanks for reminding.
alisamom wrote: I have been too hardheaded to accept help even when it's offered. It is something I continue to work on.
leoladyc728 wrote: I do ask for help when truly needed.
Mnc_91 wrote: Thank you for this reminder. This is difficult for a person like me whose default is on the giving end :-)
Chris Ameen wrote: Thank you for such a wise, and timely, reminder!
Shannon wrote: Accepting help has always been difficult for me. I have tried in recent years to accept help in the spirit it is given. Your post reminded me how important that is.
Virginia wrote: Well stated. Kindness works both ways. My neighbor's 6 year old likes to do little things so i encourage that outlook and behavior. Makes me smile.