Readers Comments
alisamom wrote: Oh accidents can be such a horrible experience, I'm so glad your daughter and the other driver were met with kindness and compassion. Makes it so much easier to deal with 💜
Annc wrote: I am so glad that both drivers are apparently OK. How wonderful that they were both showered with kindness. It goes to show that most people truly are caring and generous. Thank you for sharing this story.
splain wrote: Yes they were given a lot of care and kindness.
gardengal10 wrote: I'm glad that everyone is o.k.
kjoyw wrote: Being able to be thankful for so many things in the midst of this challenge was indeed a blessing and a gift you gave to all there. So grateful your daughter and other driver are ok. Blessings to all who helped them.
1sher wrote: Oh, I am so glad no one was hurt. Bless that both woman have good mechanics and nice insurance- We just sat in ridiculous traffic as people seemed transfixed by such an accident as you described.
mindyjourney wrote: Oh my oh my...continued blessings of thanks and appreciation for all involved that helped support daughter and other driver. Truly, under such circumstances, kindness seems such an extra powerful force. Thinking of you all and sending you prayers, my friend.
horsegirl21 wrote: Glad both drivers are okay. Lovely to see kindness in a stressful situation.
leoladyc728 wrote: so grateful that your daughter is ok and for all the help she got
AndiCas wrote: So many reasons for thankfulness there. I am so pleased that neither driver is hurt.