Readers Comments
sethi wrote: You are right, it is all about your attitude to the life you are leading. Thank you for sharing.
AURELIA wrote: Thanks for the Uplifting Story!!! Here's a --- :0) --- Right back at ya
May God Bless you with even more than you expected! ~Aurelia
May God Bless you with even more than you expected! ~Aurelia
FairyBubbles wrote: What a fantastic story - you are a great writer - write a book - the world needs it.
JuneBug wrote: Bobert! Bobert! Bobert! If you were any more special, you'd be twins!! The world could use both of you, but we are happy with just the one! :)
angelwingz wrote: We have a choice. Yes. We do. Whenever life throws massive stones in our way. And we stumble and fall. We have the choice to get up again. Remember the old story. "i was sad that i had no shoes. Until i saw the man with no feet. "inspiration is a great thing. It doesn`t matter where our strength comes from. Belief,family. Friends. Some of us have to digg a lil deeper at times. Keep digging!
emily wrote: Such an inspiration life is full of challenges and it's the way you take it that matters. Thanks for being positive. I know you'll save many p'ple who see life only in the negative perspective. God bless you n quick recovery
GuessWhat wrote: Thanks, modestobob! What an amazing story!
Liv @ One Year of Beauty wrote: I love this! What an inspiration. We can all make a choice to live - really live -each and every day. Thanks!
DR.TAHIRA wrote: It is the attitude of the person who says half glass full of water or half glass empty. Thanx 4 the story.
Graham wrote: This is so true. My eldest son was diagnosed with a disability when he was nine. Every day since then he has lived with the same positive attitude of " everything is excellent " and is an inspiration to all he meets, including his parents, who still can find ourselves getting down.