Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Broken Laundry Cart and a Ride Home

--by angels_destiny14, posted Jun 4, 2009

I was on my merry way when I saw this old lady trying to go back home after going to the laundromat.  She was pushing her little cart with 2 wheels on the front but it didn't budge because of a steep bump.   She pushed so hard one of the wheels came off. I stopped and got the wheel and put it back on the lady's laundry cart. I asked her that if she would like me to take her home after I finished my shopping and she replied "yes."  She was so happy.

I didn't know how far she was going and my son and his girl friend were waiting for me in the car. I rushed to get my things and when I was at the register I let her know that it would not take much longer and she waited patiently for me.  When I finished  I told her I was ready and with a big smile she got up.  When my son sow me with her he got out of the car and didn't asked me anything because this was not unusual for me to do things like this. I asked her where she lived and it was about 10 blocks away.  When I took her home she was so grateful and I also gave her a large container of Hawaiian Punch  that I bought on special for my kids.  My son and his girl friend just knew that this was the right thing to do.

Thank God I did this and later on I thought to myself this was also a teaching experience for my teenage son and his girl friend.  We work by example. 

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Readers Comments

oldgirl wrote: Your story is one of inspiration. What you did set a wonderful example to set for your son and his girlfriend angels_destiny14
Sydney wrote: What a wonderful kindhearted thing to do.

I often see people i think i could help but i get very nervous about approaching strangers and asking if they need help. Reading something like this makes me feel less nervous and more motivated to help strangers.

I'm really glad you shared this story.
warmth wrote: Good one, thank u for sharing
Claire wrote: Loved this. I once rescued an older lady in a supermarket here in dublin, ireland. I took her for a cup of tea, phoned for a taxi for her and sent her on her way. When i got home, i found a small white feather in my bed, my sister said the feather was a message from the lady's angel. I like that thought
Deb wrote: Doesn't it give you a great feeling helping others just like my mother was i love to help people no matter who they are or how old they are thats just the way i was brought up & i'm still helping others today
nionbfggl wrote: Vuobukvrabubrgtnud
Alex wrote: I love this its nice
Deb wrote: Thanks for sharing the beautiful story. The lady really had a long walk to go.

I'm sure it's one of many lessons your son has learned. You are a good teacher. ;)
adsnz wrote: We see people in need everyday and sometime we are just so buys in our own problems that we just pass them and then think later on that we could have helped that person. Good on you to actually do that.


Peggy Gorman wrote: That was great! I believe in helping others

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