Readers Comments
splain wrote: Thankyou for giving to this young girl. Your right. For someone to sit outside in the freezing cold, they sure need some sort of help. She now knows someone did care.
kjoyw wrote: Beautiful kindness? Thank you for helping these folks.
leoladyc728 wrote: You were kind giving those packs away. I have tried to stop judging about whether someone is on drugs or not. I have been helping a homeless couple for awhile now and have no idea about their true story. It doesn't matter.
sandyremillar wrote: very kind you are.....the heavens are moved by your kindness....
AndiCas wrote: Thankyou. I wonder whether in the same situation drugs might not seem a solution to dull the edges. I don't think it's for us to judge unless we've been in their shoes. She will appreciate that you 'saw' her as well as the gifts you gave.
melnotes wrote: Thankyou for your awesome kindness, I'm sure it will make such a difference!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for the kindness packs and journey your non-judmental gift <3.
Rajni wrote: When we judge people, actually we are judging God residing in that person. May be our love and affection and kindness change that person,
altruist36 wrote: Yes we should help others without judging their deeds. As no one can say if we were to be in their situation what we would have done to reduce our suffering in that cold night.