Readers Comments
Lilijourney wrote: 💗 raw honey. TY for your ðŸ-you-ti-full ministry to help our declining bee population. Blessings
pyronik wrote: freezer kindness :-) your friends will benefit from your new bee colony too. I bet your honey is lush. Thank you
balou wrote: Sorry your bees died. I know it's nature, but it hurts nevertheless. Keeping bees is so important nowadays ... without your bees pollination would be far less ... insects have been dwindling those last years ... And for your neighbour it was probably a wonderful gift to receive a jar of honey!
Mish wrote: Bless the bees & those, like you, who tend them. â¤ï¸ðŸðŸâ¤ï¸
splain wrote: So sorry to hear about your bees. I think they become so much a part of your life and like family. Big hug for you
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for gifting so generously with your honey. Lots of energy went into those jars!
leoladyc728 wrote: I know your neighbors will love the honey your bees had produced.
Rajni wrote: Sweet compassionate heart gave honey to a friend. Job well done. Thanks for sharing.
autumnsky38 wrote: I'm sorry that you lost your bees, but how lovely of you to give your friends the honey. I bet it tastes amazing!