Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lend Me Your Ear

--by guin, posted Jun 25, 2009

How much attention do we pay to the person actually sitting next to us?

On my bus ride to work, I generally just look out of the window, meditate, or read a book. Recently, I have also tried to look at whoever is next to me and pay attention to their needs.

Today a teenage girl around my age sat next to me. I smiled at her and continued to read my book. She suddenly started a conversation by asking me why I looked so dull. Unaware of my own demeanor, I started to be more aware of her, the passengers around me, the colors outside the window, and the sounds that were playing on the radio.

After we began conversing, I realized that she was very lonely and just wanted someone to speak to. Her parents were farmers and she had grown up on a farm her whole life until now. Suddenly, she got a job in the big city, and landed up becoming a computer scientist.

She missed the farm and her family dearly, and all the love that was showered on her there. I saw her eyes get moist when she told me how hard the transition to a lonely apartment in a big city had been for her.

I merely listened to her, saying I had often faced similar situations, and inviting her to my home.

I realized that all you need to do is have an open heart to listen to whoever is right next to you sometimes.

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Readers Comments

Jacinda wrote: Guin thank you so much for sharing! When i take the bus home i try to make a big effort to smile and talk to the people around me. Although i'm a shy person and although it's a hard thing to do at first, you feel so much better after you have done it. Listening and talking to others is so important! It can make such a big difference to people. Sometimes its just what they needed, to talk to someone and have a listening ear. Hope you have a great day! Love and smiles, jacinda :)
iferlamb wrote: Amazing what a smile can do! Smiles.
Kikit wrote: I take the train every day but i'm always occupied with my personal thoughts. Kindness happens anywhere indeed. Thanks for sharing. :)
vsoul wrote: Yes listening is such an important ingredient for respectful human intercation. So nice that u shared this story. Thanks

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