Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Foster Kids

--by Marleen , posted Feb 16, 2017
Just saw a dad talk about his childhood, which was so bad, so much abuse in several ways. Then he got transferred to foster care, which didn't improve his situation much. He left home at a young age, fleeing and homeless.

Most of all he felt unloved and unwanted. He adopted later on in life, and was shocked that even nowadays, foster kids get a trash bag when they move.They adopted 4 kids and started an organization that helps foster children move with 'Comfortcases'. 
Here is a great video that shares more. Get the hankies ready!
952 Reads

Readers Comments

janfour wrote: Thanks for sharing. I passed it on too.xoxo
alisamom wrote: Wow that's an inspiring story, thanks for sharing it!
mindyjourney wrote: It is a wonderul way to give back )))
Mish wrote: ❤️❤️❤️
Rajni wrote: Same spark of God is shared by little kids too. They too deserve respect too for treating them is same as treating God Himself. Thanks for this REMINDER for all.
kjoyw wrote: So touching and giving!
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful story. I was tutoring a boy whose mother took in foster children. I was there when this little girl D came in at night with a trash bag with hardly anything in it. A sweatshirt and no jacket in the middle of winter. She also had on sneakers that were 2 sizes too big. The next day the foster mom took her shopping to get clothes and a jacket.

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