Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Meals on Wheels

--by brindlegirl, posted Mar 17, 2017
I do this so often. Too often that I rarely post about it. I did post about it once so some of you may know and remember. My father lives not too far from me and since my mother died 7 years ago is alone.

He cooks. But not the nutritious yummy meals that one does when cooking for more than one. Which is why I always cook extra and put some aside for him.

He calls me his "meals on wheels ". I love that. Love that I can give back to my daddy in other ways after all he has given me 💖
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Readers Comments

truthunltd wrote: Great. Keep Giving. _/\_
Marleen wrote: That is precious.. it is grand to be able to eat food made with love, even if alone.. Esp.if made fór you 😉😍🙏💖
AndiCas wrote: It's a lovely thing that you do.
splain wrote: Your father is so lucky to have you in his life.
mindyjourney wrote: Feeding father loving kindess too, dear brindle :). Thank you!
Mish wrote: There is an organization here in NYC that brings daily meals to the elderly & infirm, called Meals on Wheels. It's a beautiful kindness. Bless you for taking care of your Dad this way.❤️
kjoyw wrote: So lovely that yo do that! Such a good feeling to help your Dad. Believe me, I know.

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