Readers Comments
RoseMarie wrote: Absolutely wow, you did really well here!!!! You have saved this girl and she will never forget you. God bless you and yiu were definitely her angel. X 💓 Rose-Marie
horsegirl21 wrote: Wow, thank you for your quick thinking.
splain wrote: That girl will always remember you. You saved her. Thank you for being who you are ............
mindyjourney wrote: Good gracious, my friend! Talk about being an instrument of the Divine <3. thank you for your bravery and level headed action. Blessings to that dear girl on her journey...
leoladyc728 wrote: what a story. thank you so much for helping this girl. I know she blesses you over and over.
leoladyc728 wrote: many years ago one of the boys in my after school class left a note in my bookbag that he was going to run away. I immediately contacted the director of the program and we found the boy to be safe and unharmed. Really scared me.
Mish wrote: Chilling. You were on that flight for a reason. The Universe sent you to be her angel. No words.
Rajni wrote: You did a very good job. Some of us may learn from you how to handle such things. May God continue blessing you as he blessed that girl. Thanks for sharing.
healingtree wrote: Stunned by this, unforgettable---I know I will always keep this story in my heart as it is the story of Love and Compassion---in Action. You were afraid but you acted wisely and bravely. I am only grateful the girl was able to ask for help as she did, which took imagination and courage on her part. Can't express what this means to me!
sandra wrote: My heart flutters at the courage it took that girl to devise, on the spur of the moment, a plan to seek help - help that she would not have gotten had you not responded so bravely and compassionately. God will bless you both; thank you for having a kind, caring heart and for the positive action you took. I just wish i knew 'the rest of the story'.