Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Following My Instincts

--by LiliAB, posted Feb 15, 2017

Two weeks ago, on a Sunday, as I flew home from Georgia, I noticed a young girl in the row (18E) across from me. She was a bit younger than my own daughter, maybe 15 or 16 years of age. Her demeanor was very purposefully seeking, it was from her eyes that there was a tremendous outpouring of connection.

Those beautiful blue eyes, the "window to her soul" was what my instincts vibrated with. Seated next to her on either sides were two much older adults, a woman and a man. The girl followed me to the airline bathroom. She motioned to go into the lavatory ahead of me, which I allowed, as it was instinctual. She was quick to exit, and she said, "please use this one." rather than the second lavatory that was also unoccupied.

As I entered, I noticed a small note on a paper towel, written with what appeared to be fecal matter. It said "Help Me". I first started to hyperventilate, then began to shake violently in the small lavatory stall. My mind began to race, and I was momentarily uncertain about what I could do to "help".

It occurred to me that perhaps I could alert the flight attendant who was just outside the rear lavatory door. I folded the paper towel, and I exited. I lingered in the rear of our plane, and waited for a private moment to speak with the male flight attendant, Manny.

When I showed Manny the note from the girl, he told me "I know just what to do." He took my hand, told me in a very calm, soothing manner to return to my seat and try to assure the girl by smiling at her only not at either of her seat mates. Manny then asked for the girls' seat assignment, which I gave him. I summoned a fierce courage and I responded as asked.

I looked for an opportune time, and I smiled wide at the girl. She smiled back, only with glistening eyes, not with her lips. I sat down, and began to silently pray blessings on the girl, on Manny and on the rest of the flight being uneventful.

When we landed in Las Vegas, there were uniformed police to meet our flight. They questioned the girl, and the two adults.

Blessed was the female airline security personnel who was also on the flight, and who had engaged in a texting conversation with the onboard airline personnel. She stepped forward to reassure the girl that there would be safe shelter for her in Clark County, Nevada.

It is at this time, in a moment of clarity that I can share this without shuddering. By listening to my instincts, alerting those who could alter the course of darkness, turning bravely to the light......... one more young victim is now safe from harm.

Some days your best advice comes from listening to your own instincts. May it always be so,
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Readers Comments

RoseMarie wrote: Absolutely wow, you did really well here!!!! You have saved this girl and she will never forget you. God bless you and yiu were definitely her angel. X 💓 Rose-Marie
horsegirl21 wrote: Wow, thank you for your quick thinking.
splain wrote: That girl will always remember you. You saved her. Thank you for being who you are ............
mindyjourney wrote: Good gracious, my friend! Talk about being an instrument of the Divine <3. thank you for your bravery and level headed action. Blessings to that dear girl on her journey...
leoladyc728 wrote: what a story. thank you so much for helping this girl. I know she blesses you over and over.
leoladyc728 wrote: many years ago one of the boys in my after school class left a note in my bookbag that he was going to run away. I immediately contacted the director of the program and we found the boy to be safe and unharmed. Really scared me.
Mish wrote: Chilling. You were on that flight for a reason. The Universe sent you to be her angel. No words.
Rajni wrote: You did a very good job. Some of us may learn from you how to handle such things. May God continue blessing you as he blessed that girl. Thanks for sharing.
healingtree wrote: Stunned by this, unforgettable---I know I will always keep this story in my heart as it is the story of Love and Compassion---in Action. You were afraid but you acted wisely and bravely. I am only grateful the girl was able to ask for help as she did, which took imagination and courage on her part. Can't express what this means to me!
sandra wrote: My heart flutters at the courage it took that girl to devise, on the spur of the moment, a plan to seek help - help that she would not have gotten had you not responded so bravely and compassionately. God will bless you both; thank you for having a kind, caring heart and for the positive action you took. I just wish i knew 'the rest of the story'.

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