Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Bringing Back The Greeting

--by shakuselvakumar, posted Feb 24, 2017
What I have realized even more than ever is that we continue to show our connection by making eye contact and greeting people when we are out and about. On our hike today, we said good morning to everyone who passed us by and everyone responded with the exception of 3 folks. We then mediated by the river side with a prayer for all the families affected by ICE.
864 Reads

Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Very good job done. Happy to learn many responded back. Wish you keep it up. Thanks for sharing.
splain wrote: Meditation done by the riverside, how peaceful and calming
Mish wrote: A beautiful sharing of good energy.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for doing :)). I have found that a person connects with me eye to eye, I will smile and they will smile in response...but some are just lost in their own thoughts :)
leoladyc728 wrote: sounds like such a beautiful day

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