Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Hoku, The Little 1st Grader And Her Blue Post-it Notes

--by rnteach, posted Feb 17, 2017
This is not a pity story, but my past weeks were filled with negativism, cruel remarks, and hopelessness and despair!

I was feverishly working at my little office next to the Health Office, trying to input results from about 150 students' screenings. Little Hoku walked in: "I have a tummy ache." She said. "Okay, do you want to go to the Health Office or lie down, perhaps?".  I asked. "No, I want to sit right next to you." This was interesting, I knew Hoku.  She had to come to the Health Office everyday before lunch for her medications. Although I always spoke to her, she never replied to me.

I kept working. "You know I'm a good drawer." She expressed. "I'm sure you are!" I responded. Still typing, I saw that she had "filched" my blue post-it note stack. The next thing I knew, there was a blue post-it stuck to my lap top. It was a 1st-grader type drawing, and, written in a childish penmanship were the words: 'For You.' "It's a turtle you see," said Hoku. "I see," but I really couldn't discern it from any other "critter." I kept working. Within 10 minutes, the entire frame of my lap top was covered with blue post-its, each depicting another "creature," but all written patiently with the words: 'For You'.

I had to stop at this time, for I couldn't believe in all of the mess of the past weeks that here was a little girl who took so much time and effort to give me these gifts. I put my hands over my eyes while tears slipped down. When I looked up, she was gone.

I later checked on her and her 'tummy ache.' "Oh, no, I'm okay. "Hoku said. "I just wanted to let you know that I love you." Huh? From this little girl who barely spoke, who insisted on sitting next to me, who gave me such treasures.

"I Love You". Three words that made my world turn around. I love you? She had never said that to anyone else in the school. I love you? How did this little one know that those words would turn around the lingering feelings from earlier in the week. To now me feeling something hugely positive?

Yes, despite the impact of the acts inflicted during the past several weeks by 'big people,' Hoku made me more committed to practicing my belief in kindness, even in the face of malicious, negative, and down-right mean actions. 

Blue post-its.....who would've known?
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Readers Comments

leoladyc728 wrote: beautiful story. thanks for sharing it
Annc wrote: What a beautiful story. So glad that Hoku brightened your life today. You have obviously brightened hers in the past -- perhaps unknowingly, which after all is the best kindness there is!
Pyronik wrote: That's so sweet :-) you're having an impact
splain wrote: Now this is a truly beautiful post. love it
AndiCas wrote: Wonderful.
gardengal10 wrote: What a wonderfully sweet story. Lucky you. Lucky her.
mindyjourney wrote: From the hearts of children <3. So lovely!
Mish wrote: I think she was sent to you to be your "angel"....the universe knew you needed. 💕😇💕
RoseMarie wrote: I love this story thank you for sharing. X 💓 rose-marie from northern ireland xxxx
Mystikgal wrote: Young children are particularly intuitive. Sounds like " just the medicine you needed. "
Beautiful, thanks for sharing

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