Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping the Unreached During Floods

--by SANYOGITA, posted Jun 10, 2009

Two years back, due to heavy rains in our city there were floods everywhere.The city was covered with water everywhere. Roads were blocked. Highways were also blocked.

People travelling were stuck due to floods. They had no food, no water and no safe shelter. The condition was simply terrible. The people living close to the highways helped each and every passenger suffering due to these floods. As per their budget they manged to provide them food. Some of them lent their homes for these passnegers. Each resident tried their best to help their fellow mankind.

Near the highway there was a small dhaba/resutaurant.  The owner prepared rotis and sabji (tortillas and vegetables) and packed it and distributed it to the passengers suffering from the floods. The passengers were so thankful of the help received from the citizens.

In our city, an organization collected grains, vegeatbles, old clothes and all the necessary basic needs from the public and distributed them to those suffering.

My family also reached out to the unreached. We brought 50 kgs sugar, 25 kgs tea powder and 200 parle biscuits packets. We packed these basics. We also collected our good clothes for those suffering.  My mom came to know that two pregnant women delivered babies yesterday and they wanted help as early as possible. She took some clothes for the babies and their mothers and some basic requirements of the mother and child. We rushed to the place where the help of the organization had not reached till now. My mom distributed the things we brought. People and children were happy to receive the basic needs.




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Readers Comments

AnjuDV wrote: Very good deed and god will always return the fruits. Prayers - anju
vsoul wrote: What you and your family did for others in times of crisis is remarkable. It made u feel happy and God too. Keep reaching out. Blessings
wayfarer wrote: Thank you for remembering we are ALL family!
sethi wrote: Lots of caring and warmth. Thank you.
AURELIA wrote: One Person can make A Difference, A Team can make a Miracle ~ Thank you for looking out for those who had nobody to turn to and counted on someone as kind as you, your family and community members to make things a little better for them. ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY :0) ~Aurelia
Grammagussie wrote: Uery touching post...May god bless you for your kindness.

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