Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Carrying Love Half Way Around The World

--by wayfarer, posted Jun 14, 2009

The postie has just delivered a letter. It's from a friend in a far away land. Inside is a note, a list of "I Believes" and a beautiful bookmark.

I've been sitting here for the past five minutes at a loss for words. Not because of the gift, although it is sweet, not because of the thought, although that is also appreciated, but because my friend took that thought and that gift and put them into action, in a way that carried love half way around the world.

That's an awesome thing, and, well, it's a lot to take in.

So, I'll digress a little and mention one of the "I Believes." My friend says, "I Believe ... that your life can be changed by people who don't even know you." In a very real way, that's what you all out there in HelpOthersland are doing. You change the lives of the people you help, but you also change the lives of the people you share with on this site. We're becoming a family, for the best of all possible reasons. Thank you all for that.

And to my friend, I Believe ... you have changed my life!

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Readers Comments

AnjuDV wrote: I do believe - Prayers ANju
Nandi wrote: Couldn't agree more!
Thanks u WF, thanks to all of u, HelpOthers' kind people and thanks to WF's friend too! :)

malli wrote: Yeah! I too Believe ... you my friend!

With love and prayers,
sethi wrote: very believable thoughts. Thank you for believing in us your friends.
JuneBug wrote: I posted ANOTHER good one! Thank you,wayfarer, for sharing your friend's kindness with us as well...:)
cabbage wrote: Awesome! Love spreading love round the world---keep it going! :-)
We are definitely family here---love all you guys.
AURELIA wrote: Thanks Wayfarer for TAKING the LEAD!
This is the best game of FOLLOW THE LEADER I have ever played! I believe in You...and you and your beautiful insight and loving heart have also changed my life! Smiles all the way to Scotland.... :0) Aurelia
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You always have great lessons in your posts wayfarer! I agree that people we do not know can absolutely change our lives. I have seen that first hand from many here including you! Thanks for sharing!
vsoul wrote: Yes WF, very true. The act is first kindness and the sharing about it on helpothers is second.
sathsath wrote: Wayfarer in our helpothers land we all live toghther ina dream house,where u often come to give freshness of life...GOOD

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