Stories of Kindness from Around the World

30 Days of Inspiration for My Aunt's Birthday

--by loverules, posted Jun 14, 2009

I have this amazing aunt Tina who really transformed my life.  She is so kind and caring, and always loves unconditionally.  She always listens and gives great advice.  She is a real inspriration to me.  She makes me want to be a better person, and trust me she has done just that.  She always helps others, always thinks of others first, she helps strangers, family, and friends.  She raises money for charities, and is very charitable with her money.  They have been very fortunate.

So her birthday comes around, and I say to myself what do I get her?  She has everything she needs.  I have to do something special.  So I handmade these little envelopes with decorative paper, 30 of them,  and bought some stock paper which I  cut into little cards.  On each little card I put an inspirational quote and wrote things from the heart  -- how she had inspired me or how much she meant to me.  I bought a nice vase to put all these little evelopes in and decorated the vase with ribbon, etc.. (I even put a smile card in there)

Everyday of the month she opened up one of the envelopes, that had a special saying or thought just for her.  I think she really appreciated it, and I really enjoyed making this for her.  She is so worth it!!

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Readers Comments

tressyanne wrote: great idea :)
smiles to you!
lovebug wrote: Thanks for sharing your aunt Tina, Hope she has a computer, so she can read your tribute to her.
maer wrote: What a sweet thing to do. I love all the ideas we receive here!
vsoul wrote: What a unique and powerful idea. Very thoughtful of you Tressy. Smiles...
iferlamb wrote: What a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing it. I have an aunt, toni, who means so much to me too. She sounds a lot like your aunt. She is very involved in "every monday matters" as well as many other charitable things. I would love to do something like this for her. Smiles.
pax wrote: That is an awesome idea! Today is my aunts birthday and im looking for something to show my appreciation towards her for letting me live with her. Thanks for the idea

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