Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Good Foods, Good Smile Tags

--by Anon, posted May 27, 2006
A good friend of mine lives about 1 hour away. I called her last week and found out that she wasn't doing too well. Nothing big, but just bummed because a lot of things fell through which would make the following year a little more challenging. After hanging up with her, she was put on my smile list, but I couldn't think of what to do, but opportunities present themselves when you're not even looking.

A few days later, some friends and I happened to be in her city eating at a restaurant with fabulous desserts. As we pored over the dessert menu, I got it. I turned to my friends and asked them if they wanted to join in on a game of tag. After explaining the idea, they were up to take 15 minutes more after a long day to make someone's day. We ordered an extra dessert, wrote a note and added a smile card and were off... but there was one problem: I had no idea where she was.

Either at home or at work. So it was time to rely on the network. I called up a mutual friend and got him to call her to "see how she was doing" and find out what she was doing at that moment (very subtly of course). She was at work!

We drove up to work and one of my friends became the delivery boy. Dressed business casual from our meeting, he goes in looking for my friend, finds her, doesn't really answer her questions and walks out
saying he's simply a delivery person.

He runs out quickly and I duck as we drive by to make sure she didn't follow him out. Afterwards all of us had this HUGE smile on our face. We felt like we had just planned a surprise party or something.

A simple opportunity turned into a moment many of us can now share.
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Readers Comments

danielle wrote: i have a big veggie garden and every year i plant a little more than i can handle. it's something like my eyes are bigger than my appetite. i decided to take all of my excess veggies down to the laundry mat with a sign that read "free veggies". i guess that those who use the laundry may prbably rent places and might not be able to plant a garden. i did this all summer and each time when i went to collect the was empty!
bookworm58 wrote: Your such a great friend. It was a great idea to cheer up your friend with a wonderful dessert. I am sure that she enjoyed it a lot.

Thanks for sharing this story
Serenity wrote: Reading this story just put a smile on my face. Your such a good friend and i wish your friend the best
Thyla wrote: That is one of the most generous acts in my book. Tending the garden and giving away the fruit is a priceless act. Bravo!
Thyla wrote: Givingnawaynthenfruitsnof yournlabor, literally, is one of the most "generous" acts of kindness in my books. Bravo!

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