Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Unloading a Heavy Burden for Grandpa

--by cary, posted Jun 24, 2009

Just two weeks ago, I was about to cross my little busy neighborhood road when I noticed an old Grandpa with a heavy load on his head just a few yards from me. He looked very weak and his bones had no strength to even carry him let alone that load with him. A few minutes later, I realised that I had forgotten to cross the road and I had seen him with a such a fixed gaze that even he had seen me looking at him. I shyed off his gaze but I couldn't for much longer...

I've always loved my Grandparents so much so that whenever I see any older people their age I don't forget to smile at them.  I couldn't let go of this Grandpa either.  He came near me with faltered steps and handed me a slip on which was written an address very near to my house.  I showed him the directions and said he would be needing an Auto-Rickshaw (Cab like vehicles in India) as it was 3PM in the hot summer.  Anybody would faint dead in this weather and I didn't want him to walk all the way.  But he looked disappointed.

I asked him to unload the heavy burden and asked where he had come from.  He replied with frailty that he was from Chidambram, some 240kms from there.  I was taken aback because he never looked like he could take even 2 steps without falling. So, without second thought I called for an AutoRickshaw and asked the driver to drop him at his place. My Grandpa wasn't ready. Reason- He had no money. I paid for his journey and asked the driver to drop him off safely. The driver smiled with happiness.

When I turned to look at the Grandpa I had never met before, who was leaving and whose face I might only see in heaven someday, tears filled my eyes and I didn't want to leave.  Memories of my Grandparents came flashing making me numb.  I bid bye to Grandpa whose eyes were too small to be seen but from which I knew came a few drops of happy tears saying thank you.

I now realised that life was not easy for people like him too.  I miss my Grandpa.

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Readers Comments

Annie wrote: Your such a wonderful person. God bless :)
cabbage wrote: That is so beautiful. Thank you for seeing your grandparents in his eyes....wish everyone could have this vision that each of us is a mother/father/brother/sister...etc. to everyone.
Bless you for taking the time. Much love and hugs to you.
Jacinda wrote: That is such a beautiful story! As cabbage said I too wish that others could see that people like Granpa needs help at times like those and even if you were busy like everyone is just taking time to help him out from your heart. Thank you for sharing. What a huge kind heart you have! Hope you have a wonderful day, Jacinda
sethi wrote: Lots of compassion in you . Thanks for caring .
FairyBubbles wrote: You are so beautiful - thank you for sharing your story.
JuneBug wrote: Beautiful...Simply beautiful...:)
ysgowri wrote: Hi Cary,
Thats such a wonderful thing to have done. Kudos to you. You make the earth a beautiful place.
I love my grandparents a lot and my heart goes out to old people and wanting to help when they struggling.

kjppjkkjp wrote: You have a great soul!
lindsgran wrote: Lovely post Cary. thank you for sharing and careing

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