Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Story of a Wallet

--by chaiteahippie, posted Jun 25, 2009

I just joined today, but have been reading your wonderful and inspiring posts for several weeks now. I would like to add a story that occured to me this week as a result of two related acts of kindness.

Last Thursday I was pumping gas and set my wallet on top of my car after removing my debit card. I pumped my gas, drove away, and after realizing that my wallet had flown off the car roof, scanned the route I had traveled four times to no avail. Luckily I had no cash and my debit card was in my pocket, but this came at an already stressful time as I was getting married in six days, planning to move and trying to find a new job.

This Monday at 5 a.m., I received a call from a Sheriff's Dept. three hours away in Marietta. The man said that a gentleman had found my wallet while working in the area and turned it in to his local dept. ,with everything, including credit card, in tact. So they had my wallet, but it was three hours away. I informed the deputy that I would be an hour from their station on Friday, in Athens, where I was planning on making applications for jobs and apartments, and that I could probably pick it up then.

The more I thought about it, it seemed pointless to drive the two-hour round trip to replace a driver's license, social security card, and insurance cards that would have to be replaced after the wedding anyway, and the credit card company already sent a new card in the mail.

So about an hour ago, I called the station to inform them that I would like to have the number of the man who found my card so I could thank him.  But I would not be down to collect my wallet. The sheriff I spoke with said that they would have to have a notorized letter to destroy it -- yet another headache. I asked if they could mail it and he said that was fine as long as I paid for postage. While he was figuring the postage, I informed him that I would be about an hour away from the area tomorrow, but didn't want to spend another several gallons of gas to retrieve my things.

That's when he did something surprising. He said, "Can you pick it up at the Athens Sheriff Dept?" I told him sure, but how, as they had told me earlier that they couldn't transfer it to my county of residence. He said, "I live about a half hour from the Athens post. I can take it on my way home and drop it off or have another deputy meet me to take it there." I was stunned. First, a gentleman actually found and turned it in, with nothing missing and secondly, a deputy who was actually willing to go out of his way to help someone he had never even met. I can't wait until tomorrow so that I can get the numbers to properly thank both of these men.

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Readers Comments

Veena wrote: Really nice
tracey wrote: Don't you just love random acts of kindness? !
B. wrote: Great story! Keep posting ^^
God bless you!
sethi wrote: Great story. It is amazing to find good and honest people on this planet. Welcome to the group.
Bluebell wrote: Welcome and keep in mind that once you belong to this community your life is never going to be the same again. Only better. Here you will find the most fantastic people on earth. Love and light, bluebell
iferlamb wrote: What a great story. Thanks for sharing it. There are great people everywhere! How wonderful. Smiles.
Jacinda wrote: Welcome to helpothers! What an awesome story! Thank you so much for sharing! Keep posting! You meet so many amazing and inspirational people on this site. Loved reading your story. Love and smiles, jacinda :)
keepsmiling wrote: Nice story :) thanks for sharing :)

Wish you a happy married life. God bless you!

Matthew Roda wrote: Beautiful story! Thank you for sharing it. We promote good deeds just like this on Aglobalgarden.Com. "planting one good deed at a time. "
jennifee wrote: It is so encouraging to hear of the honesty and kindness of others it warms my heart.

Best wishes on this new journey in your life! May god continue to bless you and keep you.

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