Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Just a Smile, That's All It Took

--by AndiCas, posted Mar 18, 2017
During lunch out today I got a bit upset and decided to pop to the bathroom to have a moment to myself to re-center. When I went through the curtain, I was really confused as there was an elderly lady doing her make up in the mirror, but I couldn't see the door to the toilet!

She obviously saw me looking confused as she pointed it out and ushered me in with a giant smile. When I came out I held back to wait for her to finish at the sink, but she grabbed me by the arm and hauled me over.

She then pulled towels for me and passed them over. And when the paper bin lid wouldn't lift, we did it together and had a good laugh. All without a word being spoken and her smiling hugely throughout!

When I got back to the table all I remembered was that lady's smile, and totally forgot that I was feeling upset. 
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Readers Comments

splain wrote: What a beautiful experience. that would have just made my day. Isn't it funny how sometimes, the right thing happens at the right time you need it?? Ah life can be so delightful
mindyjourney wrote: Have some of the best connects in woman's rooms! :))). Glad she helped your remember your smile, dear andi :)
Lilijourney wrote: Smiling wide at this. The universe is a wonderous thing that brings us exactly what we need, we just need to open up to its beckoning 🤗
leoladyc728 wrote: so very happy that woman was there to chase away your blues
healingtree wrote: nice tale!
Mish wrote: Feminine power afoot there. Good sharing :))
kjoyw wrote: So glad you two met up and had such a great connect! Glad she made you smile! Right place at the right time!

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