Readers Comments
splain wrote: What a beautiful experience. that would have just made my day. Isn't it funny how sometimes, the right thing happens at the right time you need it?? Ah life can be so delightful
mindyjourney wrote: Have some of the best connects in woman's rooms! :))). Glad she helped your remember your smile, dear andi :)
Lilijourney wrote: Smiling wide at this. The universe is a wonderous thing that brings us exactly what we need, we just need to open up to its beckoning 🤗
leoladyc728 wrote: so very happy that woman was there to chase away your blues
healingtree wrote: nice tale!
Mish wrote: Feminine power afoot there. Good sharing :))
kjoyw wrote: So glad you two met up and had such a great connect! Glad she made you smile! Right place at the right time!