Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lessons Learned From The One In My Care

--by melnotes, posted Apr 4, 2017
Gifted a bunch of peace doves to one of the most beautiful souls I have come across in my work. In the few days I cared for this person they taught me so much about the gift of love, gratitude and kindness. I admire not only their strength but courage and sense of peace amongst all the turmoil. I may not be able to walk in their shoes and feel what their feeling but I can walk alongside them and share my compassion and empathy along with a smile and being me.

Grateful, humbled and blessed for all the ups and downs, swings and round abouts, for each and every experience teaches me something different.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for sharing your compassionate self during such a challenging situation. What a gift YOU are, dear melnotes! To bear witness to a connect like that strengthens us all.
cabbage wrote: Beautiful story--thank you so much for the inspiration. You are a love angel.
autumnsky38 wrote: Love your empathy-that makes you beautiful in my book!
leoladyc728 wrote: you have such a tough job but handle it with such love and grace
Mish wrote: How blessed your patients are to have a light-bearer like you there alongside them on this journey. So much learning and growth witnessed in hospice..for the career and the cared for. Blessings of light for all there. Beautiful, Mel.❤️
kjoyw wrote: This is so true! Lovely post.

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