Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Lucky Reminder of Her Sister's Love

--by alisamom, posted Apr 1, 2017
Years -decades - ago, when we were young, my sister could go into any random meadow and within minutes she'd find lucky four leaf clovers. Lots of them. It used to tick me off to no end because I never found any, no matter how long I looked. She'd point me to the right spot and I still didn't see them. This went on for years.

A few months ago I went through some old books, some were my sister's (I have no idea how I ended up with them) and I decided to turn one into an art journal.As I flipped through the pages I saw three pressed four leaf clover leaves.

This gave me an idea.

I took the old book pages, painted them, and put some four leaf clovers on each page. Then I took a photo of each page, and I arranged them so that each finished picture would be a "set".Then I wrote a letter to my sister telling her this story, and gave this to my cousin, who flew to Germany last month and brought it to my sister.

Now my sister and I each have a mirror copy of the lucky clovers.

I used two clovers on her page, because she needs so much good luck right now as she's been battling lung cancer for 4 years and her health is currently taking a real beating.

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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: May this give your sister a good luck, I wish she come to normal life as soon as possible.
Lilijourney wrote: What a blessing this sisterly bond is. Prayers for your wellbeing dear RoseMarie and her sister 🙏💞🤗
mindyjourney wrote: What a beautiful way to express your connection, creativity, love and good fortune <3!!! Well done, my friend. Blessings to your dear sister and to you.
patjos wrote: I have one, if you'd like it for your sister? Mrs Patjos has many! She has taught us all to how to find them, so all our children can! (The secret, sssh, is to first BELIEVE that you are going to find one - then it happens!)
balou wrote: What a wonderful idea!! I do hope the 4-leaf-clovers will give her all the luck she needs!
Mish wrote: 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
pyronik wrote: how lovely :-) & healing blessings to your sister.
splain wrote: This is such a caring, thoughtful and beautiful way to give your sister some remembered lucky Clovers. It is so touching and I am sure she will love this present
RoseMarie wrote: Beautiful act, thinking of your sister x 💓
leoladyc728 wrote: what a wonderful gift to your sister. Blessings to her and I pray she beats her illness

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