Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Crocheting Coasters For My Favorite Uncle

--by JuneBug, posted Jun 26, 2009

I went to visit my favorite aunt and uncle the other day. My uncle has been terribly sick and is facing some surgery on his lung next week. 

I wanted to take him something handmade as a gift, but couldn't think of much to crochet a man other than a scarf and hat. Of course, it is too hot for that at the moment so I crocheted him six coasters in different colors with smiley faces and a holder to be kept in.  I thought it was something he could use with his drink when he was sitting by the computer.

I teased him when I presented it. ''Here's somethin' to put your beer cans on,Uncle Russell!'' He doesn't drink, but he seemed to like the gift. Aunt Lucille chimed in by saying, ''The kids were over here visiting from out of town yesterday complaining that our cork coasters left water on top from the cans..''  Uncle Russell quickly responded, ''Well, they are NOT using these! I'm hiding them up on the shelf until they leave!''    That made me think if nothing else, it was the gesture appreciated  from making them for him. :)

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Readers Comments

Grammagussie wrote: Dido..what Aurelia said. I really love homemade gifts.Big Kudos
vsoul wrote: Very sweet. I too appreciate your thoughtfulness June. Cheers
Modestobob wrote: Great gift you have to crochet Junebug and a wonderful gesture too. I'm sure Uncle Russel appreciated your being there to encourage & uplift him too. June, you rock! :) ~ModestoBob~
sathsath wrote: JUNE,are u not contended by pouring ur yuor trasnsperant heart? Your uncle and aunt have already registered ur sentiments, i assure u.Keep it up always
Nandi wrote: Oh! Bug, it was sooooooooooo sooooooooo veeeeeeeeeeeery sweet and thoughtful of u! Of course ur uncle appreciated ur gift very much; his response to ur aunt said it all!:) U poured all ur love and that would have been far more intoxicated than any drink in the world!! :)
It is a lot easier to buy something and gift, but making something urself is far far more precious than a readymade stuff. The handmade gift not only has your sweat and labor but all your time & love packed into it! :) Not many people could do it, but June YOU ARE MADE OF A DIFFERENT STUFF! :) You are great!! :)
Would u pl convey all my good wishes to ur uncle for his surgery? I'll pray for him.
Lots of love,
AURELIA wrote: Gifts from the heart! When you take time to share your talents and 'make' a gift for people, you are giving a little bit of yourself June! We all can stand to have a little bit of "you" in our lives. MWAH...~Aurelia
bhappy wrote: I bet your his favorite Bug! Gifts from the heart are so very special! Have a Fantabulous day...Becki

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