Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: YOU'RE BACK! YOU'RE BACK!!! How wonderful!!! And such a great story to start off with too!!! I'm going on vacation next week..Can I borrow your neighbors???? :)
Modestobob wrote: JuneBug...wasn't that a sweet thing to do? I'll let them know you're looking for them and need some garden work done! :) xxxxx Love ya June! ~Bob
vsoul wrote: Your neigbours were kind not only towards you but also towards nature. And you are going to multiply it by 30. Wonderful !!! A bunch of flowers from me for u and your neighbors!! Enjoy
AURELIA wrote: Well I don't think your neighbors would have done such a lovely thing for you if you and your wife were "stinkers" this just proves that what goes around, comes around! Thanks for being you and I am glad you've spoiled deserved it. :0) Aurelia ... smiles are contagious
MyHeart2Yours wrote: Sometimes you don't know much you're loved until you leave and come back! Welcome Home!
anniejames wrote: Good luck to you :)