Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Unexpected Welcome Home

--by Modestobob, posted Jun 30, 2009

We just got back from enjoying 10 wonderful days of our vacation in Idaho with our daughter Amy & son-in-law Mark and grandbabies Sarah & Gracie-cakes. Amy, last month had our 4th grand-daughter, Grace Eliza (better known in our family as Gracie-cakes).

We came home very late last night to find an area of our front yard under our large orange tree, planted in beautiful flowers and a handmade "Welcome Home" sign that after an almost 500-mile trek home was a welcome sight to see indeed.

Denise & I had one of our friends, Pat, make sure that our yard was watered and cared for while we were on vacation. Well, it appears that she or someone else (we still don't know who as of this writing) had taken upon themselves to plant several dozen flowers and liven up our front yard, and we were soooo happy that they did! It looks awesome.

This random act of kindness truly made our day and it makes me want to now begin my 30 Random Acts of Kindness over the next 30 Days now that we're home and settled. I've put together my list of friends that I believe will appreciate the little RAOK that we perform. Stay tuned!

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: YOU'RE BACK! YOU'RE BACK!!! How wonderful!!! And such a great story to start off with too!!! I'm going on vacation next week..Can I borrow your neighbors???? :)
Modestobob wrote: JuneBug...wasn't that a sweet thing to do? I'll let them know you're looking for them and need some garden work done! :) xxxxx Love ya June! ~Bob
vsoul wrote: Your neigbours were kind not only towards you but also towards nature. And you are going to multiply it by 30. Wonderful !!! A bunch of flowers from me for u and your neighbors!! Enjoy
AURELIA wrote: Well I don't think your neighbors would have done such a lovely thing for you if you and your wife were "stinkers" this just proves that what goes around, comes around! Thanks for being you and I am glad you've spoiled deserved it. :0) Aurelia ... smiles are contagious
MyHeart2Yours wrote: Sometimes you don't know much you're loved until you leave and come back! Welcome Home!
anniejames wrote: Good luck to you :)

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