Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: WOAH! Your story gave me God bumps! Whew! I am so glad the good Lord put you there for Basan! I am sure his family and himself are more than grateful!!! That's amazing..That's God! :)
wayfarer wrote: You were exactly where you were meant to be, Bob. And who better for the job?
AURELIA wrote: Basan had a guardian Angel working overtime! I don't believe in were put in the exact place that God needed you to be to help Basan stay calmm comfortable and hopeful. :0) Thank you for all you did and for talking control of the situation like you did. :0) ~Aurelia
cabbage wrote: Absolutely---you were the angel he needed, there at the right time. I'm so glad you were able to help. Bless you for being there!
ruru wrote: Good samaritans' of our roadways! Thank Gd for your kindness and help on the road. There are so many of you out there, unsung heroes
MyHeart2Yours wrote: Thank you for you and yours being who you are! At a time when it's hard to know who to trust when you're on the road...God bless you being willing and able to help.
liztree wrote: And we needed to read this. Thanks so much for sharing the story!
hotcocoa wrote: That was a great action from your part.
He must have, and still, felt good.
Every memory back to that day will bring him at least a slight smile, knowing some angels came to help him :)
Thanks for the story and god bless you and basan and both's families.
He must have, and still, felt good.
Every memory back to that day will bring him at least a slight smile, knowing some angels came to help him :)
Thanks for the story and god bless you and basan and both's families.
Bluebell wrote: There are no such thing as coincidences, just the hand of god at work. As the angel on service that day, you perfectly placed on the right spot. Love and light and a thousand smiles, bluebell
moral12 wrote: Coincidence? Probably not! Kudos to you for stopping to help this man in his time of need.