Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Contest To Feed Hungry Children

--by redwine, posted Jun 28, 2009

I decided to share this story and have been doing this for a very long time. It all started 5 years ago. I was watching a movie and then a comercial came on.  It was a commercial for an organization called The Feed the Children Foundation.  It was a very sad thing because it showed how little kids are suffering, because they had nothing to eat. 

When the commercial was over, I asked my father if he could go to my account and take out $150 and send it to that foundation. He wasn't surprised because I did little kind things for people since I was able to walk. He went right after the movie and sent the money.

Two weeks later, I got a letter from them telling me that they are very thankful and asking me to send more money. I didn't have a lot of money to give, so I thought of having a contest. I put up a sign in front of my apartment building saying that I was having a contest for everyone who lived in our apartment building. Whoever sent the most money to the foundation would win a ticket to anywhere in the world. It was easy to organize the prize because my mother received a free ticket every month that she never used.

The contest got people in the building going. I have felt so good doing it that I never stopped. It still goes on now, but nobody in my family knows, not even my brother (and I tell him everything). I do this because if I were in their situation, I would want somebody to do the same for me. I think about a lot of things that way.

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Readers Comments

anniejames wrote: Yor are an angel. Truly
:) annie
jennifee wrote: You are an inspiration!

Many lives have been changed because of you!
JuneBug wrote: YOU are totally AWESOME,Redwine!!! I don't know what else to say!!!! Thank you for being such a great humanitarian...Did I spell that right? You probably know better than me...LOL! :)
ruru wrote: You are the most amazing person I have had the pleasure to teach and inspire. Though, I don't think I did anything...I want to be there on graduation day cheering you on!!!!!!!!!!!!
AURELIA wrote: You are very clever and giving! I'm proud of you for always finding a way to share with others and for making a difference. :0) ~smiles are contagious ~ Aurelia
MyHeart2Yours wrote: We can't do it all ourselves...thank you for involving others and giving them the opportunity to give!

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