Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Help With A Bicycle Pump (and So Much More!)

--by cabbage, posted Jun 27, 2009

I have a neighbor who is very handy with bike repairs. Due to a chronic illness, he is at home most of the time and is on continuous pain meds.  He is a very cheerful and helpful guy so when I had trouble figuring out how to put air into my tires (my bike pump apparently was assembled wrong in the store--who knew?!) I went to him, thinking it would be a "quick fix".  

Well, who knew what all was wrong with the bike (not me, that's for sure).  This sweet guy insisted on "checking it all out" to make sure it was safe for me to ride--and he spent quite a while doing so (at least half an hour!) while I watched and chatted with him.  By fixing up my bike, he gave me so much more -- the freedom to not use my car, and the joy of being able to ride with my son.

I was so thankful that I baked him a plum tart and put it on his doorstep with a note of gratitude.  Well, a few days later, my son went over to play with this guy's son and we got to talking.  I casually inquired if he'd received the tart--and he said "Oh--was that from you?!" Apparently the note had flown away and he had no idea who it was from!!! :)

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Readers Comments

Esmaeil wrote: Yay! Have fun and be safe. The movie wild hogs comes to mind:) did you shave your head and grow a goatee? Going for that tiyacpl biker look. Can't wait to hear from you.
Matthew Roda wrote: Aglobalgarden. Com would love to have this type of beautiful story shared with it : )
ruru wrote: those are the moments that hold us together an lift us up. Enjoy thinking back on this experience and smiling yourself.
Modestobob wrote: Cabbage, nice reciprocal touch. I'm sure he really enjoyed the tart too. Kindness knows no bounds. Have you been bike riding more lately now too? Have a wonderful biking week Cabbage! :) ~ModestoBob~
AURELIA wrote: That's Awesome. He helped you and you showed him your appreciated keeps going and going the engergizer bunny! Kindness ripples!
:0) ~Aurelia
MyHeart2Yours wrote: My husband and I were mountain bike enthusiests a few years ago...because of their passion for the sport, Bikers are always to willing to help those in need. Thank goodness for someone's willingness to help!
FairyBubbles wrote: Simply beautiful!

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