Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Light At The End Of Dark Tunnel

--by livemylife, posted Jul 1, 2019

I happened to face loneliness and difficulties which made me dull for a while. During, this time, when anyone approached me, respected me or supported me in smallest way, I noticed it and felt grateful.

I had taken small gestures like being welcomed, thought-of or included  for granted. However, during this emotional phase, I noticed each of these and was humble, simple and thankful to others.

I had built walls around myself and was keeping my distance (having dutiful relations, not friendly connections) with a few people (this even included family members) because of holding small grudges against them. During, this trying phase, when they were kind in little ways, i noticed it and was able to acknowledge and accept it.

 I realize some of these walls were either shaken or partly broken. Now, if these same people are able to interact with me, invite me or call me; freely, as a friendly connection ; I notice the difference in quality and feel happy about it.

Sometimes, it takes adversaries to create holes in walls, through which light can enter. The universe is so generously giving , that every dark cloud has at-least one silver lining. My faith is restored: There is always light at the end of the tunnel! Every action matters tremendously.
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Readers Comments

patjos wrote: Many thanks for sharing your lovely story, it’s very much appreciated. I can see your Light shining brightly through!
mindyjourney wrote: A beautiful post, my friend <3. Especially during those times, small kindnessnes are even more precious :)).
lya348 wrote: I so appreciate you sharing your story. I was at the literal end of my rope very recently and I'm working to start the recovery process. Your words have helped give me a bit more hope that I can do that successfully.
splain wrote: This is a spot on post. Hard learn but so doable.
livemylife wrote: So encouraged by all the comments, sending love to each one
Mish wrote: So agree that out of our darkest times so much light comes in & can transform things magnificently. Blessed be ❤️
leoladyc728 wrote: so glad you are finding the light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong!
Bella24 wrote: Wow, you are an excellent writer! Thank you for the story:)
JocelynXie wrote: The article appeared on my English paper😊many of my classmates are touched by your share!

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