Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Global Love Day

--by patjos, posted Apr 2, 2017
Received an email from The Love Foundation last night asking if I’d send details of the upcoming 21-Day Global Love Day challenge we’re hosting here at Kindspring, so I sent them lots of details. Isn’t that wonderful? Hopefully it will attract a few more visitors. Here’s the info which I sent:

"For many years now, KindSpring has hosted a series of 21-Day Challenges designed to help individuals and groups grow in values that help create positive change. We’re very excited to let you know that next month, beginning on April 11th, we’ll run our first ever 21-day Global Love Day challenge.

Each day, as we draw nearer to Global Love Day on May 1st, we‘ll come together through a short, 10 minute, guided meditation to lift our hearts in Love. By setting an intention each day we can spread our wishes of loving-kindness to our brothers and sisters around the world.

Supported by quotes from The Love Foundation and by songs from around the world, the challenge will simply be to maintain the meditation practice for as many days as possible over the 21 day period.

The best part is that the challenge is going to go out each day in a number of languages including French, German, Russian, Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish and any others which we can put together before the start! So if you know anyone whose first language is one of the above then please let them know that they’re welcome to join us!

We will also have our own private feed, where you can share your stories, inspirations, thoughts, hopes and dreams (in whichever language you choose!), as well as interact with other participants

We’re so looking forward to lifting up the Love with you. See you soon."

... although our translating KS members haven’t finished their good work yet, the challenge is now registered and awaiting members. So how about it? It’s pretty amazing isn’t it, that there were so many KS’ers who offered to translate it into different languages. Please share and see if we can make it truly global.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Woo-hoo! Dear Patrick <3. Love is indeed going global! Well done 💚🌎💚✨👍
splain wrote: You have done an amazing job organizing this
balou wrote: :-) a wonderful concept ... and it'll hopefully attract many, many more people ... meditating for love & peace :-) _/\_
Lilijourney wrote: Sharing this amongst my contacts 💖✨💞✨💗✨💕✨
gardengal10 wrote: Spectacular...just spectacular.
kmbhai wrote: Great..
kjoyw wrote: Super! Well done!
Mish wrote: I signed up today 👍👍👍
leoladyc728 wrote: It is going to be amazing

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