Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Always Have a Plan B!

--by kiwicat, posted Apr 15, 2017
I'm on Godmother duties this weekend. Each of the Godparents took their Godchild for the weekend (there are three children aged 3-9). We got the six-year-old. What a delight, but full of energy as well! We met up last night with the friends who were looking after the 3-year-old for dinner at their house.

He was missing his parents (who are overseas for the weekend). When he saw his sister he cried and cried. I had 'Plan B' in the back of my head. When I saw that the child was unhappy and my friends who were looking after him were also stressed, I offered to take him home with me.

I decided another house for the night wasn't the best idea, so we quickly came back to my house, packed up the 6-year-old's things and my own overnight bad, and we went back to the children's own home. I had a dreadful night as he was awake 5 times through the night crying for his mommy, and it took a while to settle him.

The friends who originally looked after him came over this morning (with their own children who are under 2-years-old) so I could come home and have a short break before going back. I've just got to get through the afternoon, baths, and dinner, and then my friends will be back.

In the car both my husband and I said that its good to have Plan B, and how blessed we are with such good friends that invited us for dinner, and were thoughtful enough to offer me a break this morning. :-)
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Readers Comments

gardengal10 wrote: Wow! You are a real angel.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank You! Your extra kindness to those little one tears/fears sure made a difference!
Rajni wrote: Going extra mile. Thanks for inspiring share.
leoladyc728 wrote: so glad you were able to get a little break. Poor sweetie missed his parents
Mish wrote: Awwww...the wee one❤️❤️❤️❤️
horsegirl21 wrote: Gotta love plan B :) So great that you could get a small break Wonderfull that you all help each other out with the chldren. I bet the little one will be glad to see mummy home :)
kjoyw wrote: Always good to have a plan B and ok to tell children that. If one thing doesn't work out, something else will. Helps children to be less fearful and more trusting.

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