Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Paper Peace Doves Acted As 'Ambassadors Of Connection

--by Mish, posted Apr 23, 2017
I overheard an elder sitting at table next to us was celebrating her birthday, so I whipped out a 'Mindy peace dove' (made by a KindSpring member Mindy) and walked it over to her.

She and her table mates were so in awe and appreciative. Big smiles and twinkly eyes all around. A long conversation ensued with her husband who basically shared his life story with us, and what an interesting listen it was!

So many times these little doves open doors to beautiful connections, and I never tire of sharing the story of Mindy's mission that puts these "ambassadors" into our world. Thank you, Mindy!

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank YOU, for listening to the dove's Peace call and sharing. Is amazing how they just sort of nudge us to do, just at the "right" times, opening a deeper connect ❤️ ✌️
balou wrote: yay, doves really are conversation openers :-) Glad it turned out to be such a great conversation to all of you :-)
kjoyw wrote: Sweet, sweet story! And those little doves are great ambassadors of kindness coneecrions! Kate
autumnsky38 wrote: Terrific! Love you for doing that and Mindy for creating them!
splain wrote: Mindy's doves allow others to just feel so good that often it opens a door for a chat. Great way to connect
leoladyc728 wrote: Mindy's doves open door to wonderful connections

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