Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Lost Baby Duck

--by love2day, posted Apr 23, 2017
A few days ago I saw two baby ducklings that were alone in the grass near a pond, and today I found out that they were abandoned or lost.

Unfortunately one of them was found dead today, but I decided to take the other one in and take care of it until he gets big enough to take care of himself.

When I decided to take him in, he was actually be stalked by a cat, so it's a good thing that I got him when I did. The duck and I both are figuring it out as we go along. He's already quite big for a duckling so hopefully I can release him back into the pond in a couple of weeks. At first he was terrified of me, which is understandable, but now he seems to be a bit less worried about me as I've been feeding him some corn which he certainly seems to really enjoy.

With some help from my friends, we got him some duck feed from an animal feed store and a big container for him to be in as well. Hopefully I'm doing the right thing by taking him in. I figured that he would have been killed by a cat if I hadn't helped him.

Since finding the little duck, I was able to find him another home, a pond with a few other ducks and geese in it. I've been checking on him and feeding him everyday to make sure that he gets big enough to fully care for himself, and so far he's doing great. He's made a new friend in another duck that he hangs around with every time I go to check on him.

When I was originally considering taking him in, I had others I know tell me to "let nature take it's course". However, this is an absurd and contradictory idea. When humans want to do destructive things, such as killing animals for food, they will appeal to nature and use this as a reason to do it. At that time, they are apart of nature. However, when it comes time to do something constructive and helpful, all of a sudden we're not apart of nature and we should just stand back and "let nature take it's course". We cannot pick and choose when we are a part of nature simply to satisfy our own self centered desires. If we are a part of nature, then us helping an animal in need is letting nature take it's course in the true and most noble way.

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Readers Comments

Andrew Morgan wrote: And thanks for doing what you did!
Andrew Morgan wrote: Nature’s not taking its course when a stray cat is stalking a baby duck. Stray house cats are not “native” and, having said this, a product of human error.
lindariebel wrote: Hurray for you for pointing out the unkind contradiction people feel about nature.
lawrencena wrote: Thanks all wildlife needs second chances. We have done enough damage so your help is appreciated.
Jack2 wrote: This is the most helpful thing i have ever seen to animals. Wow that is super kind
love2day wrote: 1sher, thank you for the tip. I was thinking the same thing. I will definitely look into that. So far he's doing well, he's actually getting quite attached to me and gets upset when I leave but calms down after about 30 seconds. At night he sleeps all through the night and doesn't make a peep. I've figured out how to feed him as well. Ducks definitely need to have water to drink while they are eating or else it's difficult for them, so I got that covered. I'm thinking that when its time to release him, instead of putting him back where I found him, I need to put him in a pond with other ducks so that he can join their little group.
Mish wrote: Yours is a kind and loving heart. Bless you and little ducky ❤️🐥
kjoyw wrote: How kind to help that little ducky!
1sher wrote: good on you- we have a wildlife rescue ctr near us- you may too, one that has advice for re-releasing??
splain wrote: I think you did the right thing. Poor little thing would have died and you now have given him a chance

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