Readers Comments
healingtree wrote: Good of you to help and treat her like a real human being. Thank you.
Mish wrote: Thank you for caring and helping. Bless.
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for following your heart and being of help <3.
splain wrote: A big thank you for this.
kjoyw wrote: Thank you for doing what felt right to you! We all need to do that!
leoladyc728 wrote: I am sure your gift to Laura was just what she needed. thank you
SissyLee wrote: Speaking and giving to someone one the streets goes a long way. So often they are victims or treated as invisible. Thanks for you rkindness.
Madronaman wrote: Thank you for making a difference in laura's life!
Joanellenhoo wrote: I appreciate your act and applaud you for your honesty with us. Its a difficult and complex issue of knowing when and what is appropriate.
4everblooming wrote: Thank you for your humanity. Thanks for reminding me about gift cards.