Stories of Kindness from Around the World

He Decided To Pay Forward His Neighbor's Kindness

--by lewski711, posted Apr 16, 2017
My washing machine went on the blink over a week ago and flooded my garage. We had the guy come take a look at it and he ordered a part, but we'd have to wait about a week and a half for it to come in.

So, we've had to rely on two of our neighbors to let us use their machines in the meantime. I thanks them with a special card, but then realized that when I do an act of kindness for someone, I always want them to pay it forward.

Two days ago a family moved into our neighborhood. Inspired by my washing machine neighbors, I baked a batch of brownies, delivered them this morning and introduced myself, welcoming them to the neighborhood.

They were so thrilled and surprised.

#AprilRAOK #BeKindToOneAnother

911 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: The circle game of Kindness 👍
kjoyw wrote: What a wonderful kindness you did for them! Paying it forward is where it's at!
splain wrote: That is such a great welcome to the neighborhood
mindyjourney wrote: Nothing like a batch of brownies and a clean load of laundry!
leoladyc728 wrote: kindness all around
brindlegirl wrote: I love this. All of this!!! Has burst open my heart with happiness ❤❤❤
Rajni wrote: Nice baked welcome. Thanks for sharing.
Madronaman wrote: The kindness spreads! I bet your neighbors are really feeling good about moving to your neighborhood.

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